As I got back into the blogging game this past month, I’ve been trying to adjust my blogging strategy to make it more effective for me and more efficient for you, my readers. Part of that strategy has included utilizing way more than I have in the past. You may or may not have noticed that I’ve been mentioning this thing called more frequently on Instagram and in Instagram stories, and today I wanted to get into exactly what it is and how you can use it in relation to my blog and any other blogs that you follow since I realize that not everyone is familiar with it!
First things first, what is is a platform created by RewardStyle (a company that helps bloggers monetize and build connections with brands) that allows blog readers and consumers to shop a content creator’s posts. It’s a completely free app that you can download to follow your favorite bloggers/content creators and easily see all of their shoppable content in one place. Think of it like Instagram, but instead of likes and comments under a post, there’s a bunch of linked products ready for you to click on and shop!

Cool, so how do I use
You can use a few different ways. The first way is to download directly from the app store on your phone or type in the URL if you’re on a computer. Once there, create a profile in a few simple steps and you’re ready to shop! You can search specific products within the app, or search directly for specific influencers that you’re already familiar with to follow them in the app. Simply click into a post from their feed, click on the product that you want to shop from the below product grid and voila, you’re all set.
You can also shop by simply taking a screenshot of the enabled posts on their Instagram and will send you an email later with the products from your screenshot! You can tell if a post in enabled by reading their Instagram caption (it’ll usually include some kind of verbiage about or have their URL included), and/or if they have the heart icon in the bottom right corner of the photo like the one shown below.
Another easy way to shop my posts through is right here on my blog. See that SHOP tab up towards the righthand side of the navigation menu? That holds my feed with most of my recent posts! Click into any of those posts and it’ll take you to the website where you can shop the same way I explained above. You can use this SHOP tab anytime you’re curious about a product I’ve posted, and it’s also super easy to get to from my Instagram profile as well. When you use the link in my Instagram bio, you’ll come to a landing page that can take you wherever you need to go, such as my blog homepage, my profile, my Twitter, Facebook, newsletter sign-up form, etc.
Why use
Well, as bloggers it is helpful to use for a number of reasons. First and foremost, we do make a small commission off of products sold through our links and posts. Commissions are different for every retailer, but most range from about 3% to around 12%, with some companies being even more generous. The cool thing for you as a shopper is that the money for the commission doesn’t come from you at all or cost you a penny, so the price you pay for your order is not effected by at all. It just allows you to show support for your favorite creators and help them continue to do what they do.
Secondly, I think is helpful because it keeps everything in one place. If you’re ever wondering about where a dress was from in my post last week or where you can find my living room rug that I shared on Instagram stories, you can almost always head on over to my profile on, find the post showing what you’re looking for and shop right there! For bigger bloggers with followings of six or seven figures, I’m sure this alleviates a lot of pressure off of them so they aren’t answering the same question over and over again, or sending people links all day. Everyone can be directed over to and can find exactly what they’re looking for there. It’s a win-win!
Finally, the last cool thing about using as a consumer is that if you see something you like in the app, you aren’t pressured to buy immediately. Like something but want to think about it a little more? Or maybe you were interested in something but got sidetracked while shopping and forgot about it? No problem! If you “like” the post within the app (just as you would on Instagram) or screenshot the post, will send you an email with a round up of your recent screenshots/likes so you can shop from there or flag the email for later so you remember to go back to it! It’s almost like creating your own personal shopping list or wish list that you can easily reference whenever you need.
So that’s the scoop on what is exactly and how you can use it to make your shopping a lot easier. I hope I covered all the questions you might have but if not, please feel free to leave your questions in the comments below, or shoot me a message over on Instagram or Twitter!
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